
Dr. Rothrock removed a lipoma from the muscle in my shoulder and is working with me on some other muscular/skeletal issues. He is professional, caring, and conveys your issues in terms you can understand. He is an excellent doctor whom I would recommend without reservation.
Charles Cooper
FamilyCare Patient
Dr. Rothrock removed a lipoma from the muscle in my shoulder and is working with me on some other muscular/skeletal issues. He is professional, caring, and conveys your issues in terms you can understand. He is an excellent doctor whom I would recommend without reservation.
Charles Cooper
FamilyCare Patient
Dr. Rothrock removed a lipoma from the muscle in my shoulder and is working with me on some other muscular/skeletal issues. He is professional, caring, and conveys your issues in terms you can understand. He is an excellent doctor whom I would recommend without reservation.
Charles Cooper
FamilyCare Patient

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